How To Use Mindfulness To Master Failures

How To Use Mindfulness To Master Failures

For some of us, failure leaves a lasting impression on our psyche. However, by incorporating mindfulness strategies into your routine, you’ll be better equipped to control your self-doubt, and quite possibly position yourself for higher rates of success.

How Mindfulness is Changing Prisons: Rehabilitating The Prison Rehabilitation System

How Mindfulness is Changing Prisons: Rehabilitating The Prison Rehabilitation System

The United States has the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world. But, how can we be sure that serving time helps ex-offenders contribute to society and not propagate revolving door syndrome? Numerous studies have pointed to the positive impacts of mindfulness programs within the penitentiary.

How To Integrate Mindfulness Into Your Child’s Life

How To Integrate Mindfulness Into Your Child’s Life

Incorporating mindfulness into your family’s life can provide long-term benefits such as improved focus, reduced stress, and better grades. While it may sound challenging, we’ve provided some easy solutions for building a more present-minded environment at home, school, after-school clubs, and sports practice.

How to Use Mindfulness to Diminish Our Confirmation Bias

How to Use Mindfulness to Diminish Our Confirmation Bias

Many of us have a habit of looking for positive information that reinforces our point of view. Practicing mindfulness however, can help diminish the trickery of confirmation bias and lead to more accurate and rational decision-making.

Why Is Accreditation Important for Mindfulness Teachers?

Why Is Accreditation Important for Mindfulness Teachers?

How can an individual or organization know if they’re hiring an experienced mindfulness teacher or consultant? Great question. The IMTA recently formalized an internationally recognized certification and accreditation.

Mindfulness and the Work-Life Balance

Mindfulness and the Work-Life Balance

The OECD Better Life Index also reports that the United States ranks in the bottom 20% when it comes to having a healthy work-life balance. That’s why we recommend practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness can be practiced by anyone, just about anywhere. You just need to know how.

Using Mindfulness to Reduce Anxiety

Using Mindfulness to Reduce Anxiety

In order to use mindfulness as an anxiety reduction technique, it’s helpful to understand what anxiety is and isn’t. Moreover, f we separate ourselves from our thoughts and reactivity, we can respond to the present more appropriately and purposefully. In this article, we’ll provide a few different exercises to help you find a mindfulness strategy that works for your situation.

Get Better Sleep by Practicing These Three Mindfulness Techniques Before Bed

Get Better Sleep by Practicing These Three Mindfulness Techniques Before Bed

To avoid turning to pharmaceutical sleep aids and questionable dietary supplements (which about one-third of people have tried according to Consumer Reports), try using a few mindfulness techniques to get your sleep patterns back on track.

Food for Thought: Five Foods That Give Your Brain A Boost

Food for Thought: Five Foods That Give Your Brain A Boost

Mindful eating is about more than just losing weight, it’s about boosting your cognitive functioning. Moreover, a healthy diet can do more than hone your immediate focus, it can actually fend off mental deterioration and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. So with that mind, let’s dig into the foods that’ll give you a boost in brain power.

Mindfulness Training In Sports Practice

Mindfulness Training In Sports Practice

Athletic performance isn’t just about physical strength, it’s about mental fortitude and preparedness. While putting in hours at the gym or at practice can help players move faster, jump higher, and hit harder, stress seems to be the underlying culprit of a subpar performance. For this reason, it’s important for athletes to mentally prepare as well as physically.

Mindfulness in Education: For Students and Teachers

Mindfulness in Education: For Students and Teachers

Teachers are stressed out and so are the kids. That's why mindfulness techniques are quickly becoming a pillar of quality education. From improved attention spans to elevated test scores, learn how integrating yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, and other calming practices could help you and your school.

Mindfulness for Physicians, Nurses, and Other Healthcare Workers

Mindfulness for Physicians, Nurses, and Other Healthcare Workers

While technology continues to advance medicine, it never seems to minimize the amount of stress felt by physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers. For that reason, it's import that medical facilities implement mindfulness practices into their employees' daily schedules.


Mindfulness In the Workplace

Mindfulness In the Workplace

Find out why Google, General Mills, Intel, Target and many other companies are incorporating time for meditation, retreats, immersion, and other mindfulness exercises into the everyday work schedule. Research shows that mindfulness programs can improve leadership, boost productivity, minimize your bottom line, foster a culture that attracts talent, and so much more.