
The Benefits of Collective Mindfulness

The Benefits of Collective Mindfulness

Collective mindfulness can reduce friction, improve relationships among your employees, and foster a more positive and productive company culture. Just as individuals practicing mindfulness can reap a myriad of benefits, an organization can thrive by implementing mindfulness as a group.

What is Negativity Bias & Five Helpful Steps to Conquer It

What is Negativity Bias & Five Helpful Steps to Conquer It

Negativity bias, or positive-negative asymmetry, is why a snide comment from a co-worker is at the forefront of your mind even though your workday went quite well, overall. Here’s how to shake off this pessimistic disposition.

Mantras & Affirmations: Mindfulness Tools to Reach Your Business Goals

Mantras & Affirmations: Mindfulness Tools to Reach Your Business Goals

In this piece, we’re exploring mantras and affirmations, two powerful motivational tools that can keep you on track. Read on to learn about what mantras and affirmations actually are, what the research shows, and how to implement them personally and in the workplace.

Mindfulness Needs to Be Part of Diversity Initiatives. Here’s Why.

Mindfulness Needs to Be Part of Diversity Initiatives. Here’s Why.

“Diversity” and “inclusion” aren’t merely buzzwords in the business world. They’re essential components of a healthy workplace. Fostering diversity and inclusion has been shown to inspire creativity, innovation, and better problem-solving skills.

Mindfulness: A Strategy for Fostering Equitable & Inclusive Workplaces

Mindfulness: A Strategy for Fostering Equitable & Inclusive Workplaces

To help ensure the organizational ship stays righted, read on to learn how company leaders and staff can use mindfulness to create a workplace that employees want and customers appreciate.