
The Power of a Walk Will Blow Your Mind

The Power of a Walk Will Blow Your Mind

As it turns out ancient Greek physician and “Father of Western Medicine,” Hippocrates may have been right when he said, “Walking is man’s [and woman's] best medicine.” While it may seem unlikely that an everyday activity could be so impactful, taking a stroll around the block or through your neighborhood park can do wonders for both your brain and body.

Cognitive Reframing in the Workplace

Cognitive Reframing in the Workplace

From reading an unnerving client email to dealing with an unruly employee, sometimes it’s as if you’re stuck under a cloud. However, there’s always a way to to find that elusive silver lining by shifting your perspective, even if just slightly. That’s the power of cognitive reframing.

Mindfulness and the Work-Life Balance

Mindfulness and the Work-Life Balance

The OECD Better Life Index also reports that the United States ranks in the bottom 20% when it comes to having a healthy work-life balance. That’s why we recommend practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness can be practiced by anyone, just about anywhere. You just need to know how.

Using Mindfulness to Reduce Anxiety

Using Mindfulness to Reduce Anxiety

In order to use mindfulness as an anxiety reduction technique, it’s helpful to understand what anxiety is and isn’t. Moreover, f we separate ourselves from our thoughts and reactivity, we can respond to the present more appropriately and purposefully. In this article, we’ll provide a few different exercises to help you find a mindfulness strategy that works for your situation.

Mindfulness for Physicians, Nurses, and Other Healthcare Workers

Mindfulness for Physicians, Nurses, and Other Healthcare Workers

While technology continues to advance medicine, it never seems to minimize the amount of stress felt by physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers. For that reason, it's import that medical facilities implement mindfulness practices into their employees' daily schedules.


Mindfulness In the Workplace

Mindfulness In the Workplace

Find out why Google, General Mills, Intel, Target and many other companies are incorporating time for meditation, retreats, immersion, and other mindfulness exercises into the everyday work schedule. Research shows that mindfulness programs can improve leadership, boost productivity, minimize your bottom line, foster a culture that attracts talent, and so much more.